In the 1929 novel "All Quiet on the Western Front", the author painted a chilling account of what life was like for German soldiers in the front line trenches of World War I. The story is about the extreme physical and mental stress that is associated with war and the detachment from civilian life that is felt by many of the soldiers who find themselves engulfed in what was a necessary madness.
On the Eastern Front, although there are no artillery shells falling around the front line placements of those who occupy the House of Representatives and the Senate but the physical and mental destruction's are just as immense. Even though the battlefields do not resemble the mud and cold of the European countryside, the political atmosphere of Washington, DC is just as treacherous and just as deadly for the people who choose to stand for the people as it was for those soldiers of long ago.
Much like the interlude between savage battles, I'm amazed at the sudden silence that has enveloped the world of politics. We have suddenly transition from a period of intense discussions about how the country was coming apart at the seam; how it had fallen into the hands of socialists who are bent on taking from the rich and redistributing resources to unworthy and lazy people. A period where talking heads like Joe Scarborough, Hannity & Colmes, Bill O'Reilly...okay, all of Fox News and some on the other networks who gleefully sound the fear alarm at the drop of a hat. I'm talking about Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann who fell into the extreme left trap of sappy sweetness and unrealistic expectation. Rachel apologized for her light headedness...nothing from Keith yet.
Anyway...they haven't turned off the lights yet. But the message makers are demonstrating clearly that without the big tent characters (President or Congress) they have no clue as to what is news. They are unfamiliar with taking the everyday experiences of people and conveying a meaningful piece of news. They are incapable of reporting on the real world in a way that will sustain their viewing audience. They are locked into resorting to airing reruns of discussions or battles that are now relegated to history. They find themselves at the place that dominates any battle situation...a long period of quiet.
In the novel "All Quiet on the Western Front", the author did a great job of demonstrating the monotony of life in the trenches between battles. A condition that was intensified by what amounted to an addiction to the constant threat of artillery fire and bombardments which turned some soldiers into hardened killers and others into fearful weaklings. And, of course those who enjoyed the comfort and safety of the rear found themselves with nothing to do.
After two years of constant political lobs of artillery and personal bombardments it has produced the same kind of personality types in America. We have hardened politicians who are dedicated to what seems like a "scorched earth" kind of philosophy. One that has reflected no real concern for what is good for the nation but rather it appears to be dedicated to winning no matter the benefit the party or their own selfish ambitions. And, we have another group that seem to suffer from battle fatigue and are simply looking for ways to cower in their trenches and wait for the sound of incoming rounds of artillery so they can once again scramble foolishly.
And have the crowd in the rear. The ones who seem to have all of the answers but have no personal skin in the game. The group that can talk about waste and abuse but have never really stood for much of anything that require them to be personally exposed to criticism. How difficult is it to stand for tax cuts and unidentifiable spending cuts? What kind of political position is that? It's not unlike the supply clerk who complains because the troops on the front line are expending too many shells and it's causing him to order new supplies every week.
It is "All Quiet on the Eastern Front" mostly because the artillery units are being repositioned for the next battle; and, the chattering crowd has been left to their own creative devices to fill the 24/7 appetite of the American people and they are failing miserably. I hope this will drive more and more people to the Internet to fill their free time. Or, the networks can commit themselves to ramping down the main tent acts so we can begin to rebuild our nation and return to a time when we can be "one nation under God."
Anyway...they haven't turned off the lights yet. But the message makers are demonstrating clearly that without the big tent characters (President or Congress) they have no clue as to what is news. They are unfamiliar with taking the everyday experiences of people and conveying a meaningful piece of news. They are incapable of reporting on the real world in a way that will sustain their viewing audience. They are locked into resorting to airing reruns of discussions or battles that are now relegated to history. They find themselves at the place that dominates any battle situation...a long period of quiet.
In the novel "All Quiet on the Western Front", the author did a great job of demonstrating the monotony of life in the trenches between battles. A condition that was intensified by what amounted to an addiction to the constant threat of artillery fire and bombardments which turned some soldiers into hardened killers and others into fearful weaklings. And, of course those who enjoyed the comfort and safety of the rear found themselves with nothing to do.
After two years of constant political lobs of artillery and personal bombardments it has produced the same kind of personality types in America. We have hardened politicians who are dedicated to what seems like a "scorched earth" kind of philosophy. One that has reflected no real concern for what is good for the nation but rather it appears to be dedicated to winning no matter the benefit the party or their own selfish ambitions. And, we have another group that seem to suffer from battle fatigue and are simply looking for ways to cower in their trenches and wait for the sound of incoming rounds of artillery so they can once again scramble foolishly.
And have the crowd in the rear. The ones who seem to have all of the answers but have no personal skin in the game. The group that can talk about waste and abuse but have never really stood for much of anything that require them to be personally exposed to criticism. How difficult is it to stand for tax cuts and unidentifiable spending cuts? What kind of political position is that? It's not unlike the supply clerk who complains because the troops on the front line are expending too many shells and it's causing him to order new supplies every week.
It is "All Quiet on the Eastern Front" mostly because the artillery units are being repositioned for the next battle; and, the chattering crowd has been left to their own creative devices to fill the 24/7 appetite of the American people and they are failing miserably. I hope this will drive more and more people to the Internet to fill their free time. Or, the networks can commit themselves to ramping down the main tent acts so we can begin to rebuild our nation and return to a time when we can be "one nation under God."
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