This site is designed to aggregate those citizens who are “sick and tired” of watching the destruction of democracy as power seekers use distortions and outright lies to achieve their political ends. It’s no secret that we are being led by an elite group of people who do not have the ability to sacrifice their personal aspirations for the good of our nation. They are either mired in a cistern of fear about the possibility of losing their public supported job, and the egomaniacal trappings therein; or, they are inebriated over the erroneous smell of power and their historically inbred propensity to deploy a “scorched earth” strategy. There are some people who are currently vying for power, that would rather see the nation fail than to consider the needs and aspirations of all citizens.
We must come together and realize that victory is a mission of survival for what is an otherwise dying segment of our society. We are living through a death struggle for a way of life and thinking that will not go “quietly into that good night.” Therefore, this is not the time for “good people to do nothing” because history has shown the result of such actions from an otherwise concerned citizenry. If we continue to watch with amazement as radical elements launch social strategies that are infusing their supporters with the kind of passion that will allow them to simply disregard the constitutional values of this nation...we are essentially a paricipant in the crime.
We must understand and recognize that the only defense against a lie becoming reality is the TRUTH. That’s what this blog and community of followers is about. Since the opposition voices to these thieves and liars have decided that their best defensive move is to go silent and look for ways to not get injured by this marauding crowd of survivalists. My appeal to you is that each of us should look for every statement that is made by the voices that are the loudest…and juxtapose their lies with what is the truth as written in the law. Every major issue that is before us today, has an original document that is readily available for the world to see…all we need to do is find it and respond directly to the lie. We must put the TRUTH alongside the LIE and allow the community to have the right information.
Get the word out to every expert that you know in the fields of Health, Finance, Military, Government, Education, National Security and any other topic that is currently being debated, and ask them to join in ths discussion and give us the TRUTH. There is nothing more critical at this hour...than to get THE TRUTH OUT! If we don’t. If we allow the noise makers, fear mongers and main tent hucksters dictate what Americans are to think…our nation will begin a decline toward a very dark and dangerous period that will end as many other great societies have. It will be an especially sad historical commentary because each of us (who are committed to the nation as a whole) will have allowed the work of God, which began with the founding fathers, to be obstructed and destroyed by people who are clearly not in His will.
Do your part!
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